

I linked to a post on her blog once before, but can I just suggest that everyone hop over to Katie Davis’s blog a couple times a month?

Oh. My. Gosh.

She’s a young, twenty-something girl who followed God’s call to Uganda, and his next call to simply stuff her home full of children who needed help. She just does it–no excuses, no justification, no “I have no room” or “that-makes-no-sense”–just pure, innocent, unadulterated faith and obedience.

It’s old school mission work.

It’s a breath of fresh air.

It’s amazing, convicting, and incredibly encouraging.

Go on over and read about Hope, her newest family member.

What if we were all as recklessly faithful to our calling as Katie Davis? What if we REALLY trusted God with our lives, and lived that trust out in a tangible way?

The world would be a different, better, place, and Hope would have more room to flourish.

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