
Is It Controversial That I’m Not Down With Killing People?

Less than an hour ago, Georgia executed Troy Davis, even though 7 out of the 9 eyewitnesses recanted or changed their testimony regarding his guilt. Amnesty International, which has been protesting the case vehemently, was so overwhelmed with traffic that their site went down. The petition they posted on Facebook was unsignable as well–I know, I tried. Too much traffic, I assume.

I don’t know if Troy Davis was innocent or guilty. Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me. I just have a hard time thinking that God is okay with strapping people down and killing them.

Oh, I know, I know–I’ve read the same Bible you have, and am familiar with all the Old Testament passages proponents of the death penalty quote at times like this.  I can even understand how such severe “justice” might have been necessary in the ancient world, to keep society from disintegrating into complete chaos. I don’t want murderers running around on the streets any more than the next person.

But my question is, what benefit does the death penalty serve in this day and age, other than sating our desire for revenge? Does it save us money? Deter crime? Make us any safer? Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that it does not.

Does enforcing the death penalty make us better people, more Christ-like? Would Jesus kill somebody? Again, I know–someone’s going to quote a hellfire and brimstone verse about the wrath of God, or maybe go all Mark Driscoll and use apocalyptic imagery from Revelations that makes Christ look more Rambo than rabbi. But to do so is to ignore my question. Would Jesus, when he was walking the earth as a human being, just like you and me, administer the death penalty to someone? And if he wouldn’t, why should we? The Bible is a big book, and difficult to reconcile at times. But Jesus–Jesus is much easier to understand, a tangible example for us to follow. He is humanity as we were meant to be–humanity as we are supposed to be. Imitate Jesus, and we’ll automatically follow the heart of God’s commandments.

I just don’t think that Jesus would kill Troy Davis.

Image Courtesy of Józef Kazimierz "Meaglin" Sokołowski

I also find myself bothered by the fact that some folks will probably find this post controversial. I considered posting something on Facebook, then refrained, thinking my wall would be assaulted by “hang ’em high” comments before I had a chance to explain my position. Heck, my most commented-on post ever was when I expressed my dismay that Walker had been elected, the day after the elections. (And here I will refrain from further comment, LOL!) That got so heated that I deleted the post!

But, I feel the need to say: I don’t think Jesus would execute prisoners. Therefore, I don’t think we should either. Mercy triumphs over justice, which is overrated anyway. None of us really wants to get what we deserve.

Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors…


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