
My Husband Rocks (Literally)

My husband is one of the most gifted people I know, and I’m not just saying that because of my good taste in marrying him. 🙂 Aaron is an absolutely incredible teacher, one of those people who can take complex, abstract concepts, boil them down to their essence, and help people master them in no time flat. He regularly gets people who have never played an instrument up on stage within a month or so of starting lessons, and many people who have studied with him for a year or more are learning their third or fourth instrument.

Yeah. He’s that good.

He’s sold “Pop Piano for Worship: The 30-Day Crash Course” to distance learners for years now, but JUST YESTERDAY he launched the DeepWater School of Music Online! There are two classes up now–one is a supplement to Pop Piano for Worship, and the other picks up where it left off–and more classes for more instruments will be added over time.

He’re a video explaining the classes (and me channeling my inner spokesmodel):

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