
Friday Favorites, 5/11/2012

A collection of some of my favorite reads of the week:

“In Which I’m No Angry Feminist” by Sarah Bessey. This post made me cry. When it comes to advocating for women, I’d say there are three primary motivators–intellectual integrity,  justice, and empathy. My swollen, weeping mommy-heart squeezes into the folding chair next to Sarah in the empathy section. Beautiful read.

“How to Win a Culture War and Lose a Generation” by Rachel Held Evans. Thoughtful, and searing. Consider yourself forewarned: if you tend to get worked up about politics, you might not want to read it. But I think all Christians should read the first few paragraphs and ponder them in their hearts. The research from the Barna Group is troubling, to say the least.

“A Different Sort of Mother’s Day Prayer” by Michelle Van Loon. For all the people out there who will NOT be celebrating a Hallmark-style Mother’s Day. HUGE blessings to you!

What have you been reading?

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