
Friday Favorites: Hip-Hop, Hamartia, and Heroic Grandmas

My friend and fellow Redbud Connie Jakab is a dynamo, approximately five feet of raw, passionate energy that she channels toward combating poverty, creating “culture rebels,” and choreographing some great hip-hop shows. If you follow me on Facebook you’ve probably read (and liked!) her stuff. But just in case you’ve missed out on the awesomeness that was Connie’s blog this week, I’m pasting them here.

Ladies, you are being exploited. And you’re doing nothing about it.

Don’t believe me? Open your eyes to the 400-600 ads you see on average daily. Apparently your body is assiting the billion dollar marketing industry of products that are only feeding our insecure, sexy-craving culture...The problem is that it is causing a crisis of women’s identity, esteem, and value. It’s only enhancing exploitatons of inequality and human trafficking. What’s worse is that we’re allowing it to remain for the generation that follows…To not do anything about it is like saying that we’re in agreement.

What if THIS defined a woman instead?

I remember listening to a tape (yes, a tape) of Tony Campolo when I was 16. I listened to that tape so may times, I had it memorized. One of the things he said on the tape referred to women and sin. It has never left me… He stated the Greek word definition of sin: “hamartia,” which means, “to miss the mark….” Here’s what he stated about women after giving this definition: “For a woman to not become all that she was meant to be is sin. She’s missing the mark. When she dumbs herself down to not threaten the insecure male, she is forfeiting all that God created her for.”

And finally, Connie held up a tangible example of a woman who IS passionately pursuing God and God’s calling on her life (and came to rescue me when I was stranded with a sprained ankle in Chicago!), Arloa Sutter:

It’s time to say a brave “yes” to what you were made for. An inspirational story of a grandma who did just that.

I am about to tell you the story of one brave woman who has given her life to live in East Garfield Park’s inner city community of Chicago… It all began with her church staff not knowing what to do with the many people who came into the building during the week needing assistance. Instead of pushing them out the door, she started a storefront room that provided a nice hot cup of coffee, food and friendly conversation from those wishing to escape the cold. This eventually evolved into her gathering a board of directors to form the beginnings of Breakthrough Ministries in 1992. She didn’t know what she was doing, but she did it anyways.

So what are you waiting for?! Hip-hop over to Connie’s site, and give your best culture-rebel cry in the comments section!


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