How did Jesus view women, and just how radical was his treatment of them in his society? What did it mean that Mary “sat at Jesus’ feet,” and what’s with those women who traveled with Jesus and the Twelve? Who was Junia, what did Phoebe have to do with the Book of Romans, and was Priscilla teaching under her husband’s authority, or was it the other way around? And what about Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Does that just mean that we are all equally saved, or that Jesus obliterated the barriers to full participation in the life and ministry of the church, his body?
This past week’s women in ministry sermon focused on women in the New Testament, and it was a doozy. Don’t miss it! You can listen here.
7 Responses to Jesus, Paul, and Women in the New Testament: The Women In Ministry Sermon Series.