I’m so excited to have my friend Meg guest posting here! Meg is a thoughtful, compassionate, and gutsy woman with incredible insights. I hope you get as much out of them as I do! Bio: Meg lives in Orange County, California with her one husband and four children. She worked for more than 6 years […]
Tag Archives | abuse
Fifty Shades of F*cked Up: A Sex Industry Veteran’s Take on Fifty Shades
I’m so excited to have my friend Meg guest posting here today and tomorrow! Meg is a thoughtful, compassionate, and gutsy woman with incredible insights. I hope you get as much out of them as I do! Bio: Meg lives in Orange County, California with her one husband and four children. She worked for more […]
Acid Attacks on a Woman’s Soul
Yesterday, a friend forwarded me a link about the rise of acid attacks in Colombia. I was appalled. I had heard of acid attacks in places like India and Afghanistan, but South America? It got me thinking once again about the horror of these sorts of attacks, the hatefulness. While acid is sometimes used against […]
When Children Are Treated Like Obstacles to “Real” Ministry
Well, my family survived Disneyland! I’m still vacationing in California, and still featuring some great guest posts. Today’s post is by my friend and fellow Redbud Michelle Van Loon, originally published on her blog in 2009. What does it say about our ministries when children are treated as an obstacle to be “dealt with,” when […]
50 Shades of Broken: Why Do Women Fantasize About Abuse?
I first noticed it when I bought my Nook Color last year. Erotica. Everywhere. Written by and for women. So much for letting my kids peruse the free books section! It seems that e-readers opened up a whole new world to women, a world they were too ashamed to admit interest in with a Barnes […]
How to (Not) Raise “Worthless Daughters”
Today I’m honored to have Judy Douglass guest posting. I hope you will find her words as motivating as I do. “Thank you, Mother, for raising a worthless daughter.” These words, part of a lament of a bride going to meet her husband for the first time, summed up the experience of women in China […]
7 Ways YOU Can Fight Human Trafficking, Plus A FREE DOWNLOAD!
We hear about human trafficking happening overseas, in places like Thailand and Cambodia. But did you know that it happens here, in our own backyard? Law enforcement agencies estimate that 45,000-50,000 people are trafficked into the United States every year. 15,000 of them are children, and most of them wind up working in the sex […]
Rape Drugs, Roadside Stands, and Human Trafficking: There Are No Innocent Bystanders
I’m thrilled to have the insightful Tim Fall guest posting today. “Enjoy” seems like the wrong word to introduce this post with, so…read thoughtfully? Tomorrow, I will be posting about some new resources available from the Evangelical Covenant Church to prevent, recognize, and combat human trafficking. Un-Innocent Bystanders Earlier this month my son and I […]
Tylenol Christianity: Offering Hope and Healing, Instead of Easy Answers and Trite Advice
Sometimes, I feel like the church has a hard time lingering in places of pain. Abuse. Homosexuality. Bullying. Singleness. Disability. Abortion. Illness. Addiction. Grief. We tend to skim right over these topics, offering quick, carefully-crafted statements about our stance on the issue. It winds up feeling more like a presidential candidate’s stump speech than a […]
Author, speaker, and mommy of four, living on coffee and lots of grace. Pastor at Darrow Road Wesleyan Church. Student at North Park Theological Seminary. Passionate about justice, mercy, and the "one anothers."
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2015 Evangelical Press Association “Higher Goals Award,” Medium Article category
2012 Evangelical Press Association “Higher Goals Award,” Freelance Article category
2012 Evangelical Press Association “Higher Goals Award,” Critical Review category
2012 Associated Church Press “Best of the Christian Press,” Feature Article category
2011 Associated Church Press “Best of the Christian Press,” Feature Article category
- 50 Shades of Broken: Why Do Women Fantasize About Abuse? June 18, 2012
- John Piper, Women in Combat, and How Gender Roles Fall Short of the Glory of Humankind February 6, 2013
- How Much Money Does it Take to Be A Good Christian Woman? June 11, 2012
- Faking It: Why You Should Stop Treating Your Husband Like a Toddler, and ACTUALLY Respect Him. January 23, 2013
- Asking for a Friday FAVOR! What Do You Think Belongs In a Book About Mutual Marriages? February 22, 2013
- I am never sure what to say… April 13, 2021
When you’re having a sleepless night of the soul October 3, 2017
Who do you hate? And is it right for you to be angry? September 28, 2017
Wives, Submission, and Slavery, Oh My! A Sermon on the Household Codes June 22, 2017
When you’re not good enough, and it’s okay. May 27, 2017
Dr. kold_kadavr_flatliner, MD: Whoa. GeezLouise. Turn 'em off, girl; Turn-off ...
- Comparing the Anointing Stories - Marg Mowczko: […] For a detailed analysis of the anointing...
dan ohlerking: great thoughts. working on a message for our team ...
- Mary, Martha and Lazarus of Bethany | Marg Mowczko: […] [9] Jenny Rae Armstrong has written a be...
Teresa Castillo: I was so blessed to find this article. Only today ...